Birthdays and Anniversaries

August 8th is an important day for three very special people in my life. First, it’s the day my parents were married. They celebrated their 45 anniversary today. Wow, what a major accomplishment!

My parents taught me what a marriage should be. They did it not only with verbal instruction, but also by example. Every day they treated each other with love and respect. And their commitment to each other never wavered. They made God the center of their relationship and followed His guidance always. Was everything perfect? No, but they loved each other anyway — for richer, for poorer, in sickness, and in health.

Thanks Mom and Dad…and happy anniversary!!!

The other important event today was the birthday of one of my best friends. We share the same name and have known each other since we were 13. Twentysomething years later, she’s still a very important person in my life. Through good times and bad, we’ve been there for each other, and her friendship means the world to me. Happy birthday, Laura!


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1 Response

  1. Ruth H says:

    Thanks for the anniversary wishes. You’ve only got 30 more to go. lol

    Love ya!