Opening Night — The Prison

After weeks and weeks of rehearsals, the lights went up on the stage, and we prepared to entertain a live audience with our first performance of “The Prison.”

I spent most of the day getting ready for the performance, running errands and taking care of last minute duties so that everything would run smoothly once the actors arrived. We gathered at 5:45 for costuming and make-up. Here are a few shots I snapped back stage before the performance.

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Gary relaxing — no worries, no pressure

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Kat and Greg running lines

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Our guards playing some Wii

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Kim and Mary chatting before we go on stage

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Jami (our masterful props manager) and her husband, Chaz

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Our back stage assistants playing pool

We had a small audience tonight, but we’re expecting a much larger crowd tomorrow. It was probably a good thing that we had a smaller group since we there were a few glitches. Nothing major — probably unnoticeable by those who were in the audience — but those of us who are familiar with the play know we had a few botched lines, etc. I’m sure we’ll have the kinks worked out tomorrow and it’ll be a flawless performance for the final night!

The Prison has a powerful message about hope and forgiveness. If you haven’t seen it yet, stop by on Saturday night at Abundant Life Church in Plano. The show starts at 7:30 pm. Don’t miss it!


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