Has PETA Lost It?

I was sitting next to my husband watching the news tonight when a segment about PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) appeared. At first, it sounded like a joke, like something in a sketch from Saturday Night Live, but soon it became clear that these people were serious about what they were saying.

PETA’s latest mission is to give fish a new name…Sea Kittens. Why? They think people will be less likely to eat fish or “cruelly” confine them to aquariums if they are called kittens of the sea.

Ashley Byrne, PETA’s Sea Kittens Campaign coordinator, and another PETA member (dressed as a “sea kitten”) lurked around the Dallas World Aquarium today. They were targeting young children trying to indoctrinate them with this nonsense by using free stuffed animals and stickers as bait.

“We think that kids will be the first to embrace the new name,” said Byrne. The PETA members told the kids that “sea kittens” like land kittens and puppies are intelligent and deserve respect.

Seriously? I always thought that PETA people were a little off, but they had good intentions. This campaign has made me rethink my stance. It’s absolutely ridiculous. Sea Kittens? Really?

PETA, you’ve lost all credibility now.


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