Skating and Star Trekking

Gary’s been dying to go roller skating lately, so we met up with the ALC youth group tonight at a local skating rink. It’s been about 5-6 years since I’ve been roller skating, and I was a bit rusty.

Okay, I was reallyrusty.

I waddled to the edge, stepped onto the wood floor, and began to roll my way into the crowd. Gary stayed with me for a while until I started to feel comfortable on my skates. The place was crowded with families and small children. It was like being in a rolling obstacle course because you had to stay away from the falling kids and out of control people who cut in front of you. I think that’s the most exciting — and scary — part of roller skating.

Luckily, I managed to survive without any major crashes or embarrassing moments although there were plenty of close calls. I even participated in the “hokey pokey” on skates — that was a first.

After the rolling adventure, we went to Studio Movie Grill to check out the new J.J. Abrams film, Star Trek. Now, I have to preface this by stating that I am NOT a Star Trek fan. I refuse to watch the television shows. I hate them. I had no intention of watching the movie, but I am a fan of J.J. Abrams, and this movie looked much different than the original shows/movies. So…my resolve weakened, and Gary was able to convince me to watch the film.

I’m not going to give a full review of the movie, but I have to say that it was really good. I was pleasantly surprised. It had a decent plot, great action, and kept me engaged the entire time. If you aren’t a Star Trek fan, but you like action or sci-fi flicks, you should check it out. You’ll probably enjoy it.


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