Not Tonight…I’m Online

If you had to choose, would you be willing to forgo sex for two weeks in exchange for Internet access? According to a Harris Interactive survey commissioned by Intel, almost half of the women questioned would rather give up sex for two weeks than be without their precious Internet access during the same time period. Interesting enough, only 30 percent of men were willing to do likewise.

The U.S. survey, which queried 2,119 adults last month, found that the gap grew even wider for both men and woman who were 18 to 34 years old. For woman, the percentage of those willing to skip the sheets in favor of the Web rose to 49 percent, while it climbed to 39 percent for men. For women 35 to 44 years old, the figure jumped to 52 percent versus 23% for men aged 35-44.

The Internet also seems to have leapfrogged TV in terms of popularity. The same study found that the majority of adults would be willing to forgo two weeks of watching TV versus losing one week on the Internet.

I am amazed at how quickly the Internet has invaded our lives to the point where it has become more important than physical intimacy. On one hand, it’s a little sad and pathetic. On the other hand, I can relate. It would be really tough for me to go without Internet access for a full two weeks. I think I’d start going through some serious withdrawals.

Fortunately, I don’t have to choose one or the other.

I can post my blog and…well, we’ll see what happens next.


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