Five Things

I’m not sure if it’s the medicine or just the normal recovery from my recent bout with Ulcerative Colitis, but I feel exhausted all of the time. It seems that no matter how much rest I get, I still feel tired. Yet when it’s time to sleep, I don’t. I’ve been staying up later than normal which in turn makes me even more fatigued in the morning. It’s a nasty cycle, and it’s frustrating.

I read an article tonight which shared a few tips about how to get in bed at a decent time. The list included:

1. Disconnecting from your computer and/or tv an hour before you go to bed. The light emitted from these devices tricks your body into thinking that it’s still daytime so your brain doesn’t release the chemicals that make you tired. Interesting, huh? Since it’s 2 am and I’m just now writing my blog, I have failed miserably on this one.

2. Take a warm shower or bath before going to bed. Well, Gary’s been in bed for hours so I don’t think he’d appreciate me taking a shower and waking him up at this time of night. FAIL.

3. Take 10 minutes for quiet meditation or prayer. Hey, this is one thing I can (and will) do. PASS!

4. Go to bed at the same time each night. Hmm…I actually do this, but going to bed consistently at 3-4 am is NOT healthy. FAIL.

5. Write a list of 5-10 things for which you are thankful. Okay, I can do this one too. Here it goes: Jesus Christ, Gary, Parents, Sister and extended family, Abundant Life Church, health, Cisco, blue skies and sunny days, beaches (not the movie), and vacations!

All right…I’ve done two out of the five, but I still don’t feel like going to sleep yet. Maybe I should try #1 and turn out all of these lights. Wish me luck!

Good night, and sweet dreams.


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