Priceless Friendships

Over the course of my life, I’ve had many friendships. Some stay and some go, but there are a few special relationships that never change no matter what happens. Whether separated by distance or time, the connection remains. It goes beyond friendship — it’s a lasting bond, a sisterhood.

It’s been said that we do not choose our friends, God does. There’s a part of me that believes it’s true. I think God brings certain people into your life. These people are meant to share not only your joys and achievements, but also your heartbreaks, fears, and failures. They are the ones who walk in and stand beside you when it gets tough and others walk out. These are the people who are truly gifts from God.

I was blessed to meet this type of a friend early in my life. During our teens, we were inseparable. She was more than a friend; she was my second sister. And though a lot has changed throughout the years, she remains my sister. We have been through so much together, and I know she would be one of the first people to respond in a time of need. She is a courageous person, and she may not realize this, but I have learned a lot from her. I love her dearly.

Oftentimes, I take these rare friendships for granted, not fully appreciating how special they are. The busyness of my life doesn’t allow much time for relationship nurturing, yet these people stick around anyway. They love me in spite of my flaws and inadequacies. Elbert Hubbard said, “Your friend is the man who knows all about you, and still likes you.” It’s so true.

So, in today’s blog, I want to say thanks to the friends who “know all about me and still like me” anyway. Your gift of friendship is priceless.

“Are we going to be friends forever?” asked Piglet.
“Even longer,” Pooh answered.
– A. A. Milne


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3 Responses

  1. Laura Holt-Wilder says:

    I totally understand about the “sisterhood” thing. We’ve been friends now for almost a quarter of a century. Man I’m getting old.. lol…I was reminiscing last night with Lisa. We were actually watching “Footloose.” I launched into a story about my 13th birthday party when we watched it like a 100 times! We’ve had some really good times together, but we have also had some low times. I am so thankful that our friendship has lasted thru it ALL. I just wanted to take the time and acknowledge how much you and your family mean to me. I only hope that as I raise Lexi, she will be able to find such a valuable and true friend to last her a lifetime.

    All my love,

  2. Laura P says:

    Haha….oh yeah, I remember that! We kept rewinding the Kevin Bacon dance scenes at the end and playing them over and over and over and….

    Hehe…good times. 😉

  3. Ruth says:

    Oh yeah, you wore that video out as well as Mom & Dad’s ears. It was so much fun having teeny boppers in the house!!!! Loved it and miss it.