Practice Makes Perfect…Eventually

First, I have to say that I’m sorry for the lapse in blogging. I’m still adjusting to the new 3-hour rehearsal schedule at night, plus I’ve been working after practice. It’s exhausting. After such a long day I don’t have much to say, except that I’m tired — and that doesn’t make a compelling blog post.

Tonight, we focused on the remaining blocking for the first half of the play, then we got into the fun stuff…the chase scene! Our stunt coordinator choreographed the routine tonight. It’s going to be hilarious. Think Benny Hill and craziness. Fun stuff!

Below are a few pics I snapped with my cell phone of the historic McKinney Theatre where we’ve been practicing this week and where we’ll be performing in July.


Getting ready for the fun


Gary and “Ma” — kicking off the crazy, action-packed chase


“Sahara” receiving instruction from the chase scene choreographer


Looking towards the back of the multi-level theater — yes, those are authentic hard wood chairs and floors.

It’s a neat facility with lots of history.


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2 Responses

  1. Whitney Ryan Garrity says:

    May I please snag these photos for my personal files?

  2. Laura P says:

    Sure, go ahead. 🙂