2-Second T-Shirt Folding

On this blog, I sometimes write about interesting, but completely useless information. Well, that’s not happening tonight! Tonight’s post will improve your productivity, make your life easier, and give you more time to watch those Dr. Phil episodes you’ve been dying to see (if you’re into that kind of thing).

Thanks to Howcast.com, you now have access to the secret method of how to flawlessly fold a t-shirt in two seconds flat. Just think about all the time you will save after doing laundry or when packing for your next trip. What used to take roughly 4-6 seconds can now be done in only two by simply following the easy instructions in the video below — whew, what a relief! It’s fabulous, darling.

And yes, you can thank me later.


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2 Responses

  1. Ruth H says:

    I tried this out today while folding laundry. It really worked and undershirts were folded in record time.

  2. Laura P says:

    Awesome…haha! 🙂