Since When?

Since when did my life become a series of “to do” lists? Gone are the days when I used to complain to my parents that I was bored. It’s hard to remember what bored felt like because my life is now consumed by one long list of action items that never ends. It’s sad, really. Bordering on pathetic.

I worked until almost 9 pm last night. As soon as I quit, I started writing my “to do” list for the weekend. I spent all day trying to get through that list only to start another “to do” list for the upcoming drama production. One of my “to do’s” was to get the drama “to do” list organized. Once again…pathetic.

Then there’s the “to do” list for the young married’s group at church. I guess I’ll be getting to that one tomorrow, along with the other errands that need to be done after church — oh yeah, and taxes.

I used to have time to enjoy life, to sit back and relax, to be spontaneous, to go shopping. What happened? I got so involved with my life that I now have no life. Don’t get me wrong. I love the dramas, the One Life group, and the other activities in which I participate. It’s just all the work leading up to these activities that is beating me down. Not to mention that I’m working too many extra hours at work lately. Maybe that’s why I don’t ever have enough time to get my other action items done or to sleep.

I’m not sure how to fix the problem, but I am happy that I just marked another “to do” off my list. I finished my blog for today.


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