It’s War!

That’s it! I’ve had it. Normally, I’m a “live and let live” kind of person. I don’t enjoy killing things, even bugs and spiders. I always feel guilty when I’m forced to stomp on a bug. After all, it’s one of God’s creatures, and it’s just trying find a safe place to live.

Since building our pool last year, we have been attracting my most hated nemesis, the wasp. I hate wasps. I don’t know why, but they’ve always been able to scare me. The sting doesn’t hurt that bad, but still, wasps scare me. Even last weekend, I had a wasp come after me on the boat. It landed on me and wouldn’t come off. I ran through the boat and jumped into the water (screaming like a frightened child). Yeah, can’t stand ’em.

I’ve been trying to ignore the wasps at our pool, but our house is becoming the popular hang out spot for them now. They are building a nest under the siding and partying in our pool. Gary got stung a couple weeks ago. Today I was trying to swim, and they were dive bombing me. Argh, they think they own the place!

I tried to co-exist with them peacefully. Really, I did. I tried to ignore them, tried not to be scared of them, but I can’t take it anymore. They are taking over and I can’t tolerate it any more. It’s time for war.

Gary came outside armed today. We went straight for their camp and then ambushed them as they tried to escape. It was a brilliant strategy, and the tide of the war started to turn. The wasps were dropping like flies. The body count was staggering with no casualties on our side. At the end of the afternoon, it was:

Gary and Laura = 12

Wasps = 0

Victory achieved!


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4 Responses

  1. Luca says:

    Remember, you won the battle, not the war.
    We will be back!
    Wasp chief

    Ok ok, not really feeling like studying this morning 😛

  2. Laura P says:

    Yeah, more battles were fought today, but still we prevailed.

    Gary and Laura = 22

    Wasps = 0

  3. LeEllen says:

    I’m glad you are winning the war. Thank so much for the laugh because I can just see the two of you in the backyard fighting the wasp. Because as you know I to have a fear of those horrible flying creatures.

  4. Ruth says:

    Hooray for the conquering heroes. Keep up the fight.

    As you found out, even the wasps love a beautiful swimming pool.