Microsoft Versus Mac

Microsoft recently signed Jerry Seinfeld as their new spokesperson.  The company hopes to improve their “uncool” image by delivering a hip ad campaign to compete against the popular Mac vs. PC ads (see below). 

Microsoft invested $300 million in their campaign, and the new ad appeared on Thursday during the NFL season kick-off game.  As a marketing professional, I’ve been following this story and waiting for the debut of the new ads.  I love Seinfeld, but he wouldn’t be my first choice if I was trying to reach out to the “Millennial” generation. 

Take the Mac vs. PC ads as an example.  They depict the PC as the older, uptight guy and the Mac as the young, cool guy.  Yes, it’s subtle, but it’s brilliant.  My question was whether Seinfeld (who appeals to an older demographic) could deliver the same type of genius and reach a younger audience at the same time.  Take a look at the ad, and judge for yourself.


I have to admit that I was disappointed.  Apparently, I’m not the only one.  The ad has been garnering negative reviews online since premiering on Thursday.  It’s a far cry from the Mac vs. PC ads.  It doesn’t improve Microsoft’s image.  I don’t think it’s funny, and Bill Gates is a terrible actor.  Whose idea was it to put him in the commercial — bad idea!  To make matters worse, there’s no clear message conveyed through the ad.  The tagline at the end, “The future, delicious”…what the heck is that supposed to mean?  I have no clue.  Neither does Microsoft if they think this ad campaign will help them compete against Apple. 


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1 Response

  1. Gary says:

    The new PC ad is funny. But it is subtle funny. They’ve got the little things that ad humor. However, I agree, that it misses the message and punch that the Mac and PC ads have. They have subtle humor and more obvious humor and a rock solid message. I too was hoping for more.