
Capt. Richard Phillips was freed today from pirates who held him hostage on a tiny lifeboat in the Indian Ocean. After a five-day standoff between the pirates and the military, good triumphed over evil.

It seems fitting that Capt. Phillips regained his freedom on the day we celebrate Easter — the day Jesus rose again thereby freeing us from our bondages. Like Capt. Phillips, we were once held captive — unable to break free, unable to pay the ransom that would deliver us from sin and death, but God provided a way out.

In the Old Testament, animal sacrifices were offered as an atonement for sin. When God accepted the sacrifice, He “passed over” the judgment of human sin for a year. Yet these sacrifices were only a temporary covering. They never paid for the sins of the people.

Sin comes at a high cost. The penalty for it is death. The only way to find true redemption is for a blameless individual — one without sin — to substitute himself as payment for these sins. So God came up with a plan. He sent His son, Jesus Christ, into the world to become this person. That’s the depth of His love for us — it’s truly amazing.

The sacrifice He made is shocking. I am deeply moved every time I ponder it. The fact that someone so great would love me enough to die in my place is almost unfathomable, but it happened. He did it — for me and for you.

That act alone warrants my undying love and gratitude, but the great thing is that the story doesn’t stop there. Jesus not only suffered and died, but He conquered the grave and rose again. His sacrificial act provided redemption from sin and also eternal life.

That’s why I praise Him, not only on Easter Sunday, but every day I live. He is worthy. He is wonderful. He is my best friend. He is my redeemer. He is my Saviour, and He is alive!

Happy Easter.


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