Need God? Leave a Message.

Remember that old song, “Jesus on the main line, tell Him what you want?” Well, now if you need Him you can simply leave a message.

According to an article on, God has a voicemail box in the Netherlands. If you don’t mind the long distance fees, you can dial +316-4424-4901 from March 7 and hear the message:

“Hi, you are speaking to God. I’m not in right now so leave a message after the beep.”

A Dutch artist, Johan van der Dong, established this service to give people an opportunity to take pause and contemplate life. He says that leaving a voicemail message, like praying, is a good way to organize your thoughts. “It’s a perfect combination for some contemplation.”

Van der Dong encourages people to call the number and leave messages for God on the answering machine. After all, it can’t hurt…He listens to prayers, why not voice mail too?


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2 Responses

  1. Dorian55 says:

    I like you wordpress, in bookmarks now on my browser:)

  2. Laura P says:

    Thanks! Glad you are enjoying it.