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The cover of the Jan. 16, 1928 issue of TIME magazine featured an image of President Calvin Coolidge. The news inside ranged from Coolidge’s impending trip to Cuba to the 18-billion dollar public debt, stock market uneasiness, and the release of 200,000 slaves in West Africa. The issue covered both U.S. and World events, but there was one important event missing from the publication: the birth of a young girl named Dorothy.

Eighty years ago, this girl entered the world. She grew up, married, and had two children — a son and daughter. Her daughter also had two children, one of which became the amazing man to which I am married. Needless to say, I think Dorothy’s birth was a momentous occasion in the world. Without this sweet, kind woman, I would not have had the privilege of knowing my husband or his family.

This afternoon, we met to celebrate Dorothy’s birthday. Family gathered from near and far for a party to commemorate eight glorious decades of life and to wish her many more. Below are a few pics. from the party held at Gary’s parents’ house.

Happy birthday, Dorothy!!


Congratulating the birthday girl


Playing outside with the kids


Hugs and presents


Finishing up the prayer — let’s eat and celebrate!


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1 Response

  1. Gary Sr. says:

    Thank you for putting the perfect “topping” on Dot’s 80th birthday celebration.