Saturday Night Life Photos

Pictures from Friday night’s performance and more backstage shots are now available for viewing in the “Photos” section of the blog.

Today was my last day of freedom before returning to work. I used the day to sleep late, recover from SNL, and catch up on things I had put off because I was too busy with the show and work.

It was a really nice day…boy, I could get used to this.


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2 Responses

  1. Gary says:

    Wow. Well done. That is a lot pictures you organized and captioned. Now, whenever someone is missing SNL they can go back and revisit your albums.

    It was a great show!

  2. Laura P says:

    Thanks…it was a bear sifting through the hundreds of photos that were taken, but I think I’ve got the best ones up now. Good memories…good times. 🙂