Confessions of a Plant Killer

It’s shocking, but true. I am a serial plant killer. I’ve never had a green thumb, and I’ve killed countless plants that made it into my domain. Poor little things…they had no idea that I was such a bad caretaker.

Out of all the plants I’ve owned, only two have survived the long haul. I can’t believe they’re still sticking around to take the abuse. These hearty plants are terribly difficult to kill. Don’t get me wrong. It’s not intentional. I just have a tough time figuring out what plants need to survive. Oh yeah…and sometimes I forget to water them.

A few weeks ago, I was watching a “deal or dud” news report on a local television station when a product caught my attention. The claim was that the Aqua Globe would automatically water plants, providing the exact amount of hydration required. To a serial plant killer it sounded too good to be true, so I dismissed it as a “dud.”

However, as the news report continued, I began to change my mind. The reporter set-up a mini experiment with three plants. By the end of the first two weeks, the fern they watered by hand was starting to brown around the edges (probably because they gave it too much water). The Aqua Globe was nearly empty, so they refilled it and continued the test. Two more fillings and a full month later the results were clear. The fern they didn’t water at all was dry and dead; the fern they cared for by hand was limp and lifeless. But the fern outfitted with an Aqua Globe was perfect.

Normally, I don’t buy things like this, but the test intrigued me. If it worked for the reporters, then it might work for me. I ordered the Aqua Globes and started using them as soon as they arrived. Here’s how it works. As the soil becomes dry, it releases oxygen. When oxygen is released into the globe, it in turn releases the exact amount of water that the plant needs. You can’t over water or under water because the globe provides hydration based on the amount of oxygen that is produced. Neat, huh?

Okay, on to the results. It’s been about 2 months, and I’m pleased to report that my plants have never looked better. One plant that was dying a slow death has even started to make a full recovery. I don’t have to wonder about whether the plants need more (or less) water. I just sit back and let the globe do its job. When it’s empty, I refill it.

So, if you’re a plant killer like me, I want to let you know that you can get help. Don’t wait any longer. Place the call. Order the product. Stop the needless killing now.

Click here to order yours.


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4 Responses

  1. Katrina says:

    OK so another thing we seem to have in common. Greg even calls me a serial killer b/c of my constant need to buy some poor plant in the store only to have to take it to the dumpster a few weeks later for its funeral. I even saw these aquaglobes on tv and thougth I should buy those to see if they work. If nothing else maybe my plant would live past the usual 3-4 weeks. So now that I know they work I so have to order me some and try them out. Although I will have to sneak the plant into the house b/c Greg made me promise not to buy anymore to send to their deaths!

  2. Katie says:

    Please call me at 219-477-2356. I was told by Heather at Allstar on Aqua Globes, that you would do well on our affiliate program. Who would not love to make money…

    Katie Buzanowski
    As Seen On TV

  3. Donna says:

    I also am a serial plant killer. It has me so upset that even the plants people swear you can’t kill die when they hit my condo. I finally received the aqua globes yesterday after 2 months of waiting. I am hoping that they really do work. People have to understand that it not always laziness that makes one buy a gadget like this. I have tried to work with plants and either over watered or under watered every plant I bring home. I truly hope that this is the solution to my problem because I love plants so much. Wish me luck all.

  4. Laura P says:

    Good luck with the Aqua Globes, Donna! Keep me posted. They’ve been working for me so far.