
Life is so precious.  Amidst the chaos, I sometimes forget how fleeting it can be.  James 4:14 said it best, “For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appeareth for a little time, and then vanishes away.”


The older I get, the faster time flies.  It seems like only a few years have passed since I was in high school, but in reality I graduated 20 years ago this month.  Wow, that doesn’t seem possible.  Where did all that time go?  Will the next 20 pass as quickly?  I hope not.


I want to slow down and savour life, especially today.  My uncle lost his battle with cancer this afternoon.  It was a tough fight.  He was transferred to Baylor hospital in Dallas last week to receive better medical care, but it was to no avail. 


While it’s a sad day for the family, there’s a silver lining in the clouds.  He gave his life to God a few years ago, and that means he rests in a better place tonight.  He is free from the cancer that ravaged his body. 


During times like this, I tend to reflect back on my own life and think ahead to the future.  Maybe that’s why Ecclesiastes 7:2 states, “It is better to spend more time at funerals than at festivals. For you are going to die and you should think about it while there is still time.”


One day I’ll stand at the end of this life preparing to enter into eternity.  On that day, I want to look back on my life and know that I had an impact not only in this world, but also in the kingdom of God.  I want my vapor to count for something. 


Time is precious.  I’m not going to waste it.




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2 Responses

  1. Jessica says:

    I’m so sorry to hear about your uncle.

    Enjoyed your post – the memento mori was very thought provoking. It’s so easy to let the days slip by unnoticed, and in the middle of these crazy days I’ve forgotten to laugh a little and enjoy life in between cramming for exams. We make our own moments to enjoy, whether it’s with a good cup of coffee or our favorite song on the way home from work.

    Here’s to enjoying every second.

  2. Ruth says:

    Your thoughts today touched my heart and brought a measure of comfort. Yes, it’s a sad day for those left behind; but as you wrote, it is also a glad day for Bennie.

    We must all remind ourselves of out ultimate goal in life–to have our hearts ready to meet our maker.