Running the Turkey Trot

I participated in my first Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving.  The sold out North Texas Turkey Trot  hosted 6,200 runners who got up early on Thursday to run a few miles before pigging out on turkey, dressing, and a variety of desserts.

It was a chilly morning with forecasted temps in the 30s, but that didn’t dampen the mood. The crowd was buzzing and ready for some fun. We decided to get in the spirit of the event and dress up in some fun costumes. Our Italian Greyhound was the pilgrim, and we were the turkeys.

Turkey Trot Shep

Turkey Trot Finish

The North Texas Turkey Trot was a great event — well organized with a nice flat route. Even though there were over 6,000 people there, it didn’t seen overly crowded or annoying. It was a fantastic alternative to the Turkey Trot in downtown Dallas, which is a longer drive for us. If you live in the North Texas area, and you want to start a new Turkey Trot tradition on Thanksgiving, I highly recommend this one! We had a blast!

Until next year…

TT start


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