What Color Are You?

Did you know that your color preferences can help determine your most enjoyable career options? According to Dewey Sadka, the creator of a 60-second color test, it can. Dewey’s test takes people through a brief series of exercises where they are instructed to select their favorite and least favorite colors. It then evaluates the results and provides a personality profile complete with occupations that match their personality and strengths.

The Dewey Color System is not perfect, but it’s gaining credibility as a career testing instrument. Some say it’s as valid as well known personality tests like Myers-Briggs and Gallup StrenghthsFinder. Plus, there are some additional benefits to the color test. It’s fast and easy. It’s also difficult to cheat the system. Other testing options can sometimes provide skewed results because people aren’t completely honest in their responses and they attempt to guess the “right” answers. With the Dewey Color System, people have no idea how to rank colors preferences so they provide truer answers.

I took the test, and found it to be surprisingly accurate. If you’re curious about how it would rank your most enjoyable career options, click on the image below and give it a shot.



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1 Response

  1. Beccy says:

    Love it! Very cool. Thanks for sharing!