Weekend in Review

Since I don’t have any brilliant insights to share tonight, it seems like it might be a good time for a “weekend in review” blog post. The weekend was packed, so without further adieu, here we go:

  • Book of Eli: If you haven’t seen the movie, I won’t give any of the plot points away. The movie was slow-moving and not what I expected, but it was entertaining. I think “really strange and surprising” was the consensus from those of us who watched it.
  • Nunchucks: As I mentioned in an earlier blog posting, we’re doing Taekwondo again. This week we learned some new weapons with our training–Nunchucks. Friday night after the movie, Gary and I came home and worked on the basic patterns. It’s lots of fun, but also a little painful when you hit yourself with them, especially in the elbow! Ouch!
  • Shopping, Singing, and Simon: Saturday morning started out with a bit of shopping, but not the kind you’d expect. We had to pick up some additional gear for our Taekwondo training so we went shopping at one of the local martial arts stores. I am SO ready to go sparring now! Okay, maybe not entirely ready, but at least I’ll be better protected than I was this past week. After shopping and lunch, we headed to the church for praise team and band practice. We learned a few new songs and then were on our way again. On Saturday night, we did a little research for an upcoming audition. One of the producers from McKinney Rep called to let us know that they were doing a Neil Simon play in March and encouraged us to audition for a couple of the roles. We’ll be going on Monday night, so wish us luck…or more appropriately, tell us to break a leg!
  • Sunday highlights and lowlights: Sunday morning started with church at ALC. I went to the early service since the Cowboys were playing a noon game today. And that leads me to the lowlight for the day. After our strong win against the Eagles last week I was hopeful for another playoff win today. Alas, the Cowboys were outmatched, outwitted, and outplayed in a game where the final score was 34-3. Pitiful! The silver lining in the cloud was that we watched the game with some great friends so at least we enjoyed good company while the Cowboys were slaughtered! Another highlight was the “unscripted” worship experience tonight at church. It was a great evening and 5 people were baptized…gotta love that! It’s even better than a Cowboys win..hahaha!

Finally, for those 24 fans out there, Jack Bauer is back! The new season of 24 premiered tonight, and it’s off to a great start. I can’t wait to see what happens tomorrow!

Oh, and one more thing. Tomorrow is MLK day, and it’s a holiday for me! Waahoo!

Have a great week, everyone. 🙂


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1 Response

  1. Ruth H says:

    I hope you break a leg tonight…figuratively not literally.