Back in the Groove

Hi-ho, hi-ho — it’s back to work I go. After a great vacation, I had to force myself today to re-engage in all of the work-related activities that I left behind a few days ago: product launches, drama productions, young marrieds group, and regular blog updates. You’d think it would be easier to come back after a nice break. You’re relaxed and refreshed. You’re re-energized, but it’s still hard to force yourself to get back in the groove.

I need more than a short vacation; I need a sabbatical. Every fiber of my body is screaming, “I’m not ready yet!” Unfortunately, life goes on whether I’m ready or not. So I set my alarm this morning and reluctantly awoke to a heavy dose of reality.

After trudging through work-related issues and challenges, it was time for the bright spot in my day…SNL rehearsal. The sketches are finally starting to come together, and it’s happening just in time because the first performance is next Friday, Oct. 9th! There’s still much work to be done before we head into tech week — ah, there’s another dose of reality. I have a huge list of action items to complete in a short amount of time. Yikes, it’s going to be a busy week!

I guess I won’t be going on sabbatical after all.

And now for a shameless plug — come see the show next weekend!



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