Indiana Jones is Still My Hero

After rehearsals tonight, we met a couple of friends at a late showing of the new Indiana Jones movie, “Kingdom of the Crystal Skull”. It’s been almost 20 years since the last flick, and we were excited to see Indy back in action. Gary kept humming the theme song in anticipation.


The story is set in the late 1950s. This time, Jones is on a quest to find a mysterious crystal skull, but the pesky Russians are also seeking the same artifact.  That’s when things get interesting.

“Kingdom of the Crystall Skull” is a 2-hour thrill ride. If you enjoyed previous Indiana Jones movies, the odds are that you will like this one also. Yes, it’s corny  and over-the-top at times, but that’s part of its charm. Another thing that most people will appreciate is Spielberg’s decision to keep the B-movie style of the series. In a world where most blockbuster movies are overdone with CGI and special effects, it was refreshing to see the movie stay true to its original form. It is not entirely free from CGI, but usage is minimal and balanced.

The return of Karen Allen as “Marion Ravenwood” was a treat. You may remember her as Indy’s love interest from the first movie, “Raiders of the Lost Ark”. It was great to see the two characters reunited. The banter between them was classic. Loved it.

Once again, Harrison Ford delivers a great performance, proving that 20 years later Indiana Jones is still my hero.

Favorite lines:

Mutt Williams (incredulous): You’re a teacher?

Indiana Jones: Part-time.




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