The Lamest Commercials

The bad thing about watching TV during the summer is that there aren’t many good programs to watch.  We have nothing new saved on the PVR, so I’m stuck watching live television.  With live television comes commercials.  Normally, I tuned them out, but somehow the most annoying ones cut through and grab my attention even though I hate them.  Maybe that’s why advertisers love the annoying commercials — they stick with you.

Here is my top five annoying (and lame) commercials currently playing on TV:

Direct TV Terminator Ad

Driver Select

(Mostly played during daytime TV, but it seems like they play their ads during every commercial break.  This is an older one, but they all annoy me.)

Geico Caveman

Head On

He went to Jared

I couldn’t find an example for this one, but I’m sure you don’t need one.  You’ve probably already seen it a million times and listening to it again would probably make your ears bleed.  If Gary ever buys me anything from Jared, I think I’ll have to return it on principle.  I can’t stand their commercials.

So, that’s my list.  What did I miss?


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