Practice Makes Perfect

Rehearsals for ALC’s Saturday Night Life began three weeks ago. We meet weekly on Monday evenings to practice the comedy sketches and get ready for the show in October. Things are moving along nicely. I’m feeling much better about it than I normally do at this stage. Maybe it’s because we’ve already got one SNL under our belt. It’s not a total unknown ,and maybe that’s why it feels easier this time around. Compared to Pirates of Patmos, this show seems downright easy. That may change as we get closer to the performance date, but for now, I’m happy.

I’m really excited about the show. We have a great cast and an outstanding line-up of sketches. Even the few “controversial” sketches have turned out well. I don’t think they’ll get banned, so that’s a good thing.

We will be practicing the video sketches next week since they must be filmed on the 30th. Newt McNewsy will be back with more interesting character interviews, and we have some new videos that are sure to entertain the crowd. Now if we can make sure we don’t injure any cheerleaders this year, we’ll be in good shape. Wish us luck!

By the way, DVDs of Pirates of Patmos are now available. You can order copies at ALC. Also, And Then There Was One is being performed by Truth Tabernacle Church in Denison this weekend. It’s a dinner theater show. Performances are on Friday and Saturday nights. If you don’t have anything to do (and you don’t mind the drive), check it out.


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