Coming to an End

Tonight’s blog will be a short one. It’s late, and I need to get some sleep. Hartburn Hotel is quickly coming to an end. We performed our last 8 pm show tonight and have only one remaining performance, a 2 pm matinee tomorrow.

The crowd tonight was awesome. We had about 150 in the house, and they were quite rambunctious. The playwright also attended tonight’s show, and we went to dinner with him afterwards. It was great to learn more about the play and what transpired when it was being written.

Below are a few additional pictures from the show…goodnight all!

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The stage is set and we’re almost ready to begin

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Ma and Pa get the bad news

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Sahara’s back in town

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Ivory complains about Sahara

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Mrs Spoffingford-Sykes asks Ivory to summon the owner

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Prettyfoot, the Sheriff and Ivory

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The Sheriff meets Sahara

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The last scene — Rod has an announcement


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