CABI Party

It’s 3 am, so I’m going to be keeping the blot short tonight because I have to get some sleep to be able to function at work tomorrow.

I had an interesting experience tonight. One of the executives at my company (who happens to be a friend that I worked with at my previous place of employment) invited me to a CAbi (Carol Anderson by Invitation) party. Carol Anderson is a clothing designer whose lines have been sold at Nordstroms and other retail outlets across the country. CAbi is one of her designer lines that is sold through home-based consultative parties (like a Mary Kay party or a Tupperware party). I don’t usually attend these types of things, but it’s good to network with other female colleagues, and it offered a nice break from work stress.

It turned out to be a fun evening. We snacked and chatted with each other — meeting old friends from Nortel who I haven’t seen in years and making new friends from Cisco. Then the show started. The consultant walked through the latest fashion trends and displayed the new collections from Carol Anderson. We even had our illustrious hostess modeling some of the clothes.

In addition, one of the rooms was full of jewelry items that could be purchased in case you wanted to accessorize any of the outfits you might be purchasing through CAbi. After the “show,” the racks were opened up, and we were able to try on the clothes. It was kind of cool — like shopping with 20 of your best friends at the same time in the comfort of your own home.

Unfortunately, I’m freakishly small. I require a zero petite in most cases. This makes it almost impossible for me to shop like a normal person, but I did order a really cute jacket that I think will fit me in an XS. If not, it can always be returned.

I’m not much for these types of parties, but this was one fun. If you have the chance to go to one, check it out. But be warned, you may have so much fun that you stay later than you expected. That’s what happened to me, and I still had some work to do tonight (getting ready for the One Life Murder Mystery Party on Saturday). Thus, the reason I’m writing this at 3 am…seriously, 3 am…okay, going to bed NOW!

Have a good Thursday everyone!


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