Where Have All the Heroes Gone?

Today’s role models seem to consist mostly of manufactured film and movie stars or morally deficient sports athletes. In the post-Clinton era, even the office of the President doesn’t garner the respect it once did. Many famous evangelists and ministers have fallen from grace; Catholic priests have engaged in unheroic behavior by taking away the innocence of young boys. In this type of world, where are the heroes — the men and women with unwavering faith who stand up for what they believe regardless of the cost? Where are the Rosa Parks, Mother Theresas and Martin Luther Kings of the world? Do they exist today? Are they part of a bygone era?

Unfortunately, sports stars tend to be popular heroes for children today. These impressionable kids wear the jerseys of their favorite players, watch their games and model their behavior. Remember the popular catch phrase, “I wanna be like Mike”?

To be honest, there aren’t many sports stars that I want to be like, but one athlete does stand out from the pack. Take the following story from the Dallas Morning News as an example:

A homeless man who goes by Doc was cashing in change at a Cinemark theater in Dallas when a guy walked up and offered to pay his way into the movie. Doc, who planned to spend his day passing out flyers for a few bucks, accepted a rain check before realizing that he recognized the generous gentleman.

“Was that Tony Romo?” Doc asked the kid behind the counter.

It sure was. Doc hustled across the street to the consignment store that paid him to occasionally pass out flyers and requested the day off. By the time he got back to the theater, “Role Model” had already started.

Romo, who confirmed the story but didn’t want to elaborate, waved Doc over to sit by him and his buddy. Doc sheepishly mentioned that he hadn’t showered in a few days.

“Don’t worry about that,” Romo said. “I’m used to locker rooms.”

And so the $67 million quarterback and a man who doesn’t have $6.70 to his name sat next to each other and shared laughs for 90 minutes or so.

For Romo, who made news by changing a couple’s tire on the side of the road on the way home the night of the season opener, it was just another kind gesture to a random stranger. It meant the world to Doc.

“For me, it was a blessing,” Doc said. “It came at just the right time. It gave me some encouragement and faith in mankind. I just wanted to say thank you.”

Is Tony a hero? No. However, he is someone whose behavior I want to model. Few people do what he did that day, especially those with “celebrity” status. No, it doesn’t make him a hero, but it does show me that there are still some good role models out there…even athletes.

So, where have all the heroes gone? I don’t have the answers. It remains to be seen whether any notable heroes will arise in the midst of a society plagued with scandal, immorality and compromise. I want to believe they are still out there, and maybe…just maybe we’ll see them again one day in real life, not just in the movies.


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2 Responses

  1. Laura Holt-Wilder says:

    Just one more reason I love me some Tony Romo! LOL…

  2. Laura P says:

    Yeah, now if only he’d dump Jessica, he’d be perfect for you…haha!