Simple Beauty

The hustle and bustle of life makes it easy to miss out on the beauty around us. We work indoors all day, rush to our cars, battle traffic, get home, eat dinner, and try to relax before doing it all over again the following day. Inside, we fill our homes with modern conveniences designed to make our lives more comfortable — A/C, electricity, entertainment, TV, and the internet to name a few. These modern conveniences are terrific, but they lure us to remain inside. They sometimes prevent us from experiencing what’s beyond the four walls of our homes.

Tonight I was sitting on the couch happily watching TV, perusing the Internet and connecting to my friends online. I was completely oblivious until I went downstairs to let the dogs go to the bathroom. Instantly, I was struck with the beauty of the full moon in the starry night sky. It’s brightness made the nearby clouds glisten like silver. What a beautiful sight! I stepped outside and sat on the diving board for a few minutes to enjoy the picture that God was painting in the sky. The clouds silently moved across the dark canvass creating a living work of art. I felt the cool breeze against my skin, and I listened to the soft sounds of nature. Those few moments were the most peaceful part of my entire day. I was all alone, but as I admired God’s creation, I felt Him draw near. My troubles seemed smaller; my mind was calmed.

It’s funny. We expend a lot of effort and money trying to make ourselves comfortable, yet all we really need is a simple brush with nature and a few moments with God to bring the peace and comfort that our souls crave.

All we have to do is stop “doing”, step outside and admire the free gift He’s given to us. Trust me, it’s worth it.


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1 Response

  1. ransom33 says:

    I wrote a post along the very same lines very recently entitled “Are you a human being or a human doing?” If you have time to read it, go to

    There is so much truth in what you are saying.

    Thank you
