Guns Are Not Good Back Scratchers

I find it amazing how stupid people can be sometimes. Common sense might tell you that a gun is not the device to use if you have an itch that needs scratching. However, when you mix beer and poker, I guess all common sense flies out the window.

In Fort Worth, TX a 44 year old man was drinking beer and playing poker in his house at 3 in the morning. He left the table and walked into another room. His back itched so he grabbed the first thing he could find, which happened to be a revolver. The gun went off, and he accidentally shot himself.

He walked back into the room where his friends were waiting and told them he shot himself. They didn’t believe him until they saw blood trickling down his back. Luckily, he wasn’t seriously injured. He was taken to a hospital and released later.

Now, I’m not necessarily a proponent of gun control laws, but maybe people who own guns should have to go through some type of basic training to teach them how guns should (and should not) be used. I think “back scratcher” would be pretty high up on the list of what not to do with a gun.

Seriously, what was this guy thinking?


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1 Response

  1. Gary says:

    That guy sounds like an honorable mention for the Darwin Awards. Kids make sure your guns aren’t loaded before using it as a back scratcher. (or don’t reach for a firearm to satisfy that itch you can’t reach)