The Producers

Producing a theatrical play can be tough at times.  You have to ensure that all elements of the production are in place — costumes, sets, props, lighting, sound, A/V, cast, promotion, etc.  If any issues arise, you have to solve them — quickly. 


Luckily, the “ALC Players” have outstanding department leads.  They are truly amazing people, especially considering how much time they volunteer without being paid a single cent.  We couldn’t do it without them.


While production duties can be daunting, they can also be fun.  Today was one of those days.  We met up with our Multimedia Director and Costuming Director to exchange ideas and look at potential costumes for “Pirates of Patmos.”  Oh yeah, we also did some shopping.  That’s always a recipe for fun in my book.


During our costume shopping spree, we found a couple of inspiration pieces for Emily and Captain Avery…check ’em out:


Gary as \

Amy checking out the headpieces.  Maybe our next play will be a Vegas showgirl act.  Hmm…not likely.


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1 Response

  1. Gary says:

    I bet Amy would die if she knew her “showgirl”pic was on the internet.