Annoying Interruptions (AKA My Rant)

My family met for dinner tonight to celebrate my Mom’s birthday.  After arriving home, Gary and I sat down in the media room and got ready to watch the latest episode of Survivor.  We fired up the DVR, hit play and…wait…that’s not Survivor.  It’s a man standing in front of a storm radar.  No problem, I thought.  It should be over in a couple of minutes, and then they’ll return to regular programming.  Wrong.

Why does every meteorologist think it’s a good idea to interrupt prime time television when a storm blows through town?  C’mon people, it’s spring in Dallas.  There are plenty of storms this time of year.  They don’t all justify a meteorologist breaking into local programming and showcasing his radar screen for 30 minutes to an hour (or longer).  Why can’t they just break in for one or two minutes?  Better yet, let people read the scrolling text at the bottom of the screen.

Not only did we miss the entire Survivor episode because the meteorologist was getting his “hour of fame”, but we also missed a few other shows due to the continuing storm coverage.  It’s frustrating and unwarranted.  You would have thought there were twenty tornadoes on the ground.  There weren’t.

I realize people may be a little edgy because of the storms that blew through town last week, but tonight’s storm didn’t warrant a 2 hour newscast.  It was just a typical springtime storm.  Sure, there was a small tornado (which caused no damage) and hail, but it paled in comparison to last week’s storm.  So, let’s save the detailed coverage for the 9:00 and 10:00 newscast and let everyone else enjoy their regular programming.   


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1 Response

  1. Derrick S says:

    I was ranting about the same thing last night. It’s absolutely ridiculous. As technologically advanced as we have become, you’d think someone would figure out a way not to ruin an entire night of TV. It doesn’t help that I hate TV News anyway.