Happy Birthday Wishes

My niece’s birthday is this week, so we met tonight to celebrate her 15th birthday.  Wow, I can’t believe she’s already that old! 

Time flies so quickly these days.  I guess that means I’m getting old.  When I was younger, time used to creep along, but those days are gone now.  It seems like someone hit the fast forward button and then hid the remote control.  If only I could find the darn thing, I would hit the slow motion button again.

The celebration was very low key.  Ashton has autism, so she’s more comfortable with smaller crowds.  We met at my parents’ house to eat cake and watch her open presents.  Her younger brother is taking piano lessons, and he learned how to play the “Happy Birthday” song.  It was so cute.  He played the piano for us while we sang to her.

Gary played with the boys most of the night.  My parents have a Nintendo Wii attached to their big screen TV, so they had a blast competing against each other to see who was the best bowler.  I’m not sure who won…probably Gary…he’s so competitive. 🙂

Here are some video highlights from the night:


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No Responses

  1. thomasvickers says:

    Einstein was right. TIME S RELATIVE. When you’re 15 (Happy Birthday Ashton) 5 years is a third of your life–when you’re 54 it’s oly an eleventh…..Good piece…TV

  2. Ruth H says:

    I enjoyed the video. Remind me to watch where you’re pointing that thing the next time we get together.