Category: Technology



So, you’re driving down the road minding your own business when all of a sudden you see it. An unmarked police car sits on the side of the road waiting for an unsuspecting speeder...

Skype Me

Skype Me

I finally decided to download Skype this week.  Skype allows you to call people anytime, anywhere using a simple software application on your computer.  With Skype, you don’t have to worry about long distance fees...

Nothing on TV?

Nothing on TV?

Do you ever find yourself channel surfing but not finding anything to watch on TV?  Do you ever wish you could go back and watch some classic 80s shows like Remington Steele, Knight Rider, or the...

Good Times

Good Times

Tonight was fun.  We went to a minor league hockey game with a few friends from our young married’s group at church.  The seats were close to the glass so we had a pretty good...

The End of an Era

The End of an Era

Last week, I had the distinct privilege of visiting the Microsoft campus in Redmond, WA.  I was there for a business meeting which is rare because my company is not only a partner, but also a...

A new start

A new start

It’s a brand new year and while most people begin each year making a resolution they will never keep, I prefer to kick-off the year by experiencing new things.  So, you may be wondering...
