Category: astronomy

Glance Up

Glance Up

For the past couple of nights, the sky has put on a spectacular show. Venus, Jupiter, and the slender crescent moon have converged in a rare conjunction to form a tight triangle or “smiley”...

Keep a Weather Eye on the Moon

Keep a Weather Eye on the Moon

As the full moon rises on Wednesday, you will get a unique view of its size. That’s because the moon will look unusually large as it rises in the evening. It’s simply an illusion...

A Full Earth Rising

A Full Earth Rising

Science was one of my favorite subjects in school.  Sometimes I still wonder how I ended up as an art major who eventually got a business degree.  I guess the popular, artsy side suppressed the...

Partly Cloudy

Partly Cloudy

Well, the weather in Dallas didn’t cooperate tonight.  My lunar eclipse experience was mostly obscured by clouds.  Fortunately, there were a few breaks in the clouds, so we did get some brief glimpses of the...

Lunar Eclipse 2008

Lunar Eclipse 2008

In North America, tomorrow night will provide a glimpse of this year’s only total eclipse of the moon.  For those in the central time zone, the full lunar eclipse should occur at 9:01 pm.    Weather...
