Road Trips and Weddings

We went on our first road trip with the GTO yesterday. Gary’s cousin was getting married in Ruston, Louisiana, so we loaded up the car and headed out. I hooked up my iPod to the car stereo and played the role of DJ for the duration of the trip. I had recently updated my iPod software so I was itching to play with a new feature called “genius“.

With this feature, you can select a song, and the “genius” will automatically create a playlist of songs that go with it using music that is already stored on your iPod. Basically, it looks at the song and figures out what you typically like with it (what playlists you include it on), what others who like it also like (what playlists they include it on), and what music mathematically (tempo, tone, etc.) fits in with it. Then, it tries to predict other songs you might like and whips up an instant playlist. It’s really cool. If you have an iPod, you should check it out.

Three hours later, we arrived at the Hilton Shreveport where we would be staying for the night. The wedding was small and short. It was held outside in a downtown courtyard in Ruston — a fact we didn’t know until after we arrived. Details like that are good to know in advance so you can dress appropriately, especially when the weather is hot. Regardless, we endured the heat and mosquitoes. The ceremony wasn’t long.  The most entertaining part was the minister who officiated the ceremony.  He had a heavy Louisiana accent that cracked me up, reminding me of the priest from The Princess Bride — too funny.

We traveled home today. No offense to my friends from Louisiana, but I thank God that I live in Dallas. I can’t imagine living in such a small town. You miss out on the diversity, culture, shopping, variety and conveniences that a large city offers. I guess life is simpler there, but I’ll take my complicated, busy life any day.

Speaking of complicated…it’s T-minus 3 days and counting until our big launch. I’ll be working all day and most of the night this week. I’ll try to update my blog as much as possible, but it may not be daily.

Have a great week everyone!


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1 Response

  1. Gary says:

    You were a great DJ!
    The ipod genius is cool.