The Greatest Medley of TV Show Theme Songs

Have you ever sat around with a group of friends trying to recall how many TV theme songs you can sing? Yes, it may be a bit nerdy, but it’s also fun. TV theme songs can include anything from classics like the Brady Bunch or Gilligan’s Island to newer shows like Family Guy or Big Love. It’s like instant karaoke, and it can be very entertaining. It also brings back fun memories, especially if you sing the classics from when you were a child.

I don’t know why, but I’ve always been fond of TV theme songs. I also have a tendency to remember songs from movies. If I hear a song in a movie, I always associate it with that film from then onward. I may not know the band or the name of the song, but I can tell you in which movie it appeared. It’s odd, but I guess it must have something to do with my love for music. I associate it with experiences, feelings, special moments, and apparently…movies and TV.

Anyway, the reason I’m sharing all of this random information is that I ran across a cool TV theme song video last week that I just had to share. It has a great collection of songs — many of which come from shows I really like — but what’s even more amazing is that musician Fredrik Larsson does it using nothing more than a keyboard, guitar, and a clone of himself. Check it out below.


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