Weekend in Space

The term “a weekend away” may take on a different meaning in the near future. For most people, it’s a quick drive or flight out of town, but for guests of the Galactic Suite Space Resort, it will be a quick trip off the planet. During this 3-night “get away,” guests will travel around the world every 80 minutes and watch the sun rise 15 times a day. Slated to open in 2012, the trip will cost a measly $4.4 million, which includes an 8-week training course on a tropical island.

According to Galactic Suite Ltd’s CEO, Xavier Claramunt, “It’s very normal to think that your children, possibly within 15 years, could spend a weekend in space.”

The future space resort will house four guests and two astronaut-pilots approximately 280 miles in orbit above the earth. Travelers will depart on a Russian rocket from a spaceport built on a Caribbean island.

More than 200 people have already expressed interest, and a whopping 43 have already reserved a spot. Those are impressive numbers considering the price tag!

Galactic Suite isn’t the only company hoping to cash in on the emerging space travel industry. Virgin Galactic, owned by Virgin Airlines’ Richard Branson, plans to propel tourists into suborbital space from New Mexico where the world’s first spaceport is being built for commercial customers and fee-paying passengers. Since there’s no overnight stay on Virgin Galactic’s trip, the price is less costly: $200,000 per ride.

Book your seats now!


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