
What do you write about when you have nothing to write about? There were no interesting news stories today. I didn’t do anything fabulous. In fact, I’m feeling terribly uninspired because I am still battling with this cold. It’s hanging on for dear life, and I hate it.

If this were a Seinfeld episode, I’m sure it would be a very entertaining story where one of the cast members had a cold. Seinfeld was a genius at telling humorous stories about nothing. But, I’m no Seinfeld. Furthermore, since I’m sick and don’t have the brain power to be creative, I’m afraid you’re stuck with my sickness induced ramblings tonight.

You know, with all the medical knowledge and technology available today, it’s amazing that no one has found a cure for the common cold. It’s such a nuisance. Wouldn’t it be great if we didn’t have to deal with it ever again?

We have pain medicine, sinus medicines, vaccines, nose spray, nyquil — all formulas that help reduce the symptoms, but nothing that can make it go away and never come back.

C’mon, it can’t be that hard to eradicate, can it?

Oh well, until a cure is found, I guess we just have to learn to deal with it from time-to-time. And my time is now…unfortunately!

The good news is that I was finally able to get some rest today. I’m hoping that I will awake tomorrow feeling better.

Good night all, and have a great week!


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