Think Twice About Your Next Promotion

While not everyone has the job of the CEO in their sights, I think most people want to progress in their career and continue their climb up the corporate ladder. In my line of work, I see very few people who are content to stay in the same place for the rest of their lives. No one likes stagnation.

However, new research indicates that you may want to think twice before accepting your next promotion because it could be bad for your health. When people get promoted, they suffer on average about 10 percent more mental strain and are less likely to find the time to go to the doctor. According to the study:

“Getting a promotion at work is not as great as many people think. Our research finds that the mental health of managers typically deteriorates after a job promotion, and in a way that goes beyond merely a short-term change,” said Chris Boyce of the University of Warwick. “There are no indications of any health improvements for promoted people other than reduced attendance at GP surgeries [i.e. doctors visits], which may itself be something to worry about rather than celebrate.”

People who were promoted reported a 20 percent fall in their visits to a doctor. Researchers attribute this to the stress of a new job and lack of time. I can relate to this. I need to visit the doctor for a minor problem that I’ve been experiencing over the last couple of weeks, but I keep putting it off because my calendar is just so full. I barely have time to schedule an appointment right now, yet I know I need to make it a priority.

Stress can be devastating. I’ve read many reports stating it can raise your risk for sicknesses and even provide fuel for cancer. According to LiveScience, here are some other revelations about stress:

Not all promotions are bad, but you may want to carefully consider all the factors before accepting a new position. Make sure you can handle the added pressure that comes with a new job. Have an action plan in place to help mitigate the effects of on-the-job stress — exercise, take breaks, etc. Oh yeah…and you might want to schedule a visit to the doctor before the promotion goes into effect.


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