Tour Dallas 2009

The alarm went off at 7 am signaling that it was time to get up for my first “Tour Dallas” ride. Gary and I quickly got dressed, grabbed our bikes and rode from our hotel to the staging area at Dallas City Hall. After the kick-off and instructions, the ride started as someone sang the national anthem over the loudspeakers.

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Flags at Dallas City Hall as we waited to start the ride

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The staging area for the 30-mile course

It was a bit nerve-wracking when we started. This was my first group ride, and I’m not accustomed to having thousands of other riders around me. It was crowded in the beginning stages, but as we progressed the group began to thin out making the ride more comfortable.

We toured through downtown Dallas in the early morning as mist fell from the sky. We were rewarded with a great view of the skyline as we climbed a nearby overpass.

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After cycling through downtown, our route took us towards White Rock Lake. We passed some beautiful neighborhoods along the way. Police officers guided us through the course and ensured that we were safe as we passed through the intersections. Some home owners came out to watch the cyclists pass by and others cheered us onward. It was a neat experience.

Finally, we reached White Rock Lake and began to loop around it. About halfway around the lake, we came to our first rest stop where we fueled up with fruit and snacks provided by the tour organizers.

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When we completed the ride around the lake, the course took us back towards downtown. We toured through the neighborhoods and came across some steep hills. My legs were getting tired by this time so some of them were brutal. I was ready for another break when we hit the second rest stop.

We had about seven more miles to go after the second stop. My legs were burning on the small hills, but other than that, I was still riding pretty good. I just hate hills!

Finally, we reached the finish line. We rode under the balloon arch placed at City Hall and joined the other riders already enjoying the post-ride celebration. They had performers, music, massages, and free pizza! I was starving so we grabbed some pizza, took a few pictures and relaxed after the ride.

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I’d have to say that my first group ride was a success. I made it the entire 30 miles, and I had a great time. I’d like to do more rides this year. Hopefully, I’ll be in a little better cycling shape for the next one. I’m already sore tonight, which means I’m going to be in pain tomorrow. Oh well…that’s okay. It was completely worth it. I can’t wait to participate again next year!


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