Making History


As tired as I am of all the inauguration hype, I would be remiss if I didn’t document in my blog this historic moment. Today millions watched as the 44th President of the United States took the oath of office. What made this celebration so different is that it was the inauguration of the country’s first African American President, Barack Obama.


A million and a half people flooded the National Mall for the inauguration of Barack Obama. Many cried and cheered — almost like groupies at a concert. Co-workers in my company’s California office halted work to stop and watch the celebration. No, this was not your average, run of the mill inauguration.


While I’m disappointed to see a Democrat back in office, I am pleased to see how far our country has progressed in terms of racial equality over the past 60 years. I can’t say that I’m excited to see Obama holding the reins. I think many who voted for him got caught up in the hollywood hype and marketing buzzwords of “hope” and “change.” Do the majority of people really know what type of change Obama wants and what his policies are? I expect that many didn’t bother to do any research beyond what they heard in the overly biased media, but I digress. The decision has been made, and only time will tell what type of President Obama will become. I am skeptical, but maybe he’ll prove me wrong.


One thing is certain, Obama will need our prayers. He takes office at a particularly troubling time in our country — the economy is tanking, terrorists still loom large, and international relations are strained. Much wisdom will be needed to make the right decisions. I pray that he seeks God’s guidance first and the opinions of man second. I pray for God to protect him and his family. I pray that our country grows stronger under his leadership. And finally, I pray that Obama changes his mind about raising my taxes. 😉


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