The Big 200

Tonight marks another blogging milestone for me — blog number 200! To celebrate, I decided to share my most popular blog posts. This is so exciting; it’s kind of like a flashback 200th episode on TV, right?

Okay, I’m not really a huge fan of flashback episodes, but for those of you who haven’t read these posts, they are worth it. So without further adieu, here are my top 10 posts of all time:

1. FAIL Blog. A short tribute to a funny blog site, Fail Blog.

2. The New Ikea Car. What if Ikea made cars?

3. Lunar Eclipse 2008. An informational blog about the lunar eclipse which occurred on Feb 20th.

4. Everybody Cheats. My thoughts on how we choose to cheat.

5. Ali is a Big Loser. The first female “Biggest Loser.”

6. Confessions of a Plant Killer. My experience with Aqua Globes.

7. Reminders. Time is precious.

8. My Top 5: Places to Visit. My “bucket list” of places I want to visit before I kick it.

9. Happy Parents: In Denial or in Denial? An interesting (and somewhat controversial) view on parenthood.

10. Retire Early. How to retire before you’re too old to enjoy it.


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