Weekend in Review

Wow, I can’t believe it’s already Sunday night.  This weekend passed so quickly.  I guess the saying is true — time flies when you’re having fun!  And when you have that much fun, it makes you really tired so here’s my brief “weekend in review” summary:

  • Nicolas’s Belt Test:  We got up early Saturday morning to watch my nephew’s black belt test.  Gary received his black belt a few years ago, and it’s a big deal.  Anyway, I’m really proud of Nick.  He’s a great kid, and it’s so cool to see him achieve such a special accomplishment at a young age. 

  • Pirates of Patmos:  After the test, we headed back to the church to prepare for Saturday’s performance of Pirates.  I’m happy to report that it was a great night.  We had a terrific crowd, outstanding energy and no major missteps.  A couple of the cast members were still battling sickness, but they made it through the entire performance.  You would never have known they were feeling terrible.  After the performance, we received rave reviews.  We even had kids and adults taking pictures with the pirates and the “princess”.  It was really cool.  The best thing is that one of the ladies who helped build the set made a decision to be baptized last night!  That makes it all worthwhile.  Isn’t God amazing?
  • Sunday morning came quickly.  I had to be at church at 8 am for praise team practice.  I was wiped out — physically and mentally.  Somehow I managed to make it through both services even though I was close to losing my voice (please remind me to not sing after doing a play next time).  Jeff Manning preached today on “Jaws” (all of our sermons this month have been related to the ocean, pirates or boats to coincide with the Pirates production — they called it our Summer Blockbuster Sermon Series — cool, huh?).  Anyway, I really enjoy hearing him minister.  He’s just so entertaining, and he always manages to weave a great message into the midst of the entertainment. 
  • One Life:  After church, we rushed home and prepared for the One Life young married’s group meeting which was being hosted at our house tonight. 
  • Travel to San Jose:  Unfortunately, I had to miss the One Life meeting.  I really wanted to be there because Ben Sanders was speaking about faith.  He’s a good speaker, and I was looking forward to his discussion, but that pesky thing called a job was sending me elsewhere.  After cleaning the house, I had to get packed and ready to fly to San Jose.  I’m here now and will be here for the rest of the week.


Well, there you have it…my weekend in review.  It was amazing!  I can’t believe Pirates is actually over.  I have been working on it since January.  It doesn’t seem real yet, but I know it is. 


Now we move on to the next event:  Saturday Night Life, October 4, 2008


Have a great week everyone!




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