The Day After

Have you ever had two “Mondays” in a row?  Well, I did today; it was a repeat of yesterday…only worse.  I worked a marathon 12 hour day with the bulk of it spent in mind-numbing meetings.  It barely gives you time to eat or go to the bathroom, ugh! 

To make matters worse, when you finally get finished with the meetings, you realize that you still have a number of things that must get done before tomorrow.  So, what do you do? 

You cancel dinner, skip choir practice and work all night.  That’s the distinct joy of being a sr. manager in the corporate world.  I keep telling myself that one day I’ll achive a more balanced life, but some days balance seems like a fairy tale.

I plan to keep fighting for that balance, and hopefully I’ll win the war, but today I lost the battle.

Now, for some Dilbert (click on the picture to vew the entire strip):


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